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  • Writer's pictureTiru Arthanari

Changing the record but listening to the same music

29 January 2021


Understanding life can not come from what we do with life.

Because habitually we do what we have embossed on our behavioral vinyl disk. Repetition gives legitimacy to our way of living.

If you wish to hear different music you change the record on your turntable or those of you who are too young to make out what a turntable or vinyl record is, I need a more contemporary analogy. If you want to hear different music you change the track. But the track continues to play the ‘same’ music. That is what it is meant to do.

To understand life, think about your mother, even if today is not Mother’s day or your mother’s birthday.

Mother is a link connecting you and that we call life on this planet. And that link is unbroken, even if there could have been several beginnings and extinctions.

If your mother’s loving, caring hands have thrown you away - you have lost your personal history that you have today. Your language, your culture, your rights, and wrongs would be different. You will not be you. Life is the enabler. Life enables a future that has nothing to do with that story already told. And the personal history (or story?) that you call yourself, is the disabler. How does it disable? It disables you because there is no need for any continuity of the story already told. But you imagine that it has to continue. But life continues irrespective of what you imagine. Understanding life starts from here. Think about this process.

(We shall continue. No need to imagine! The image on this page is part of the painting - Life is... added to My Portfolio today.)


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