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  • Writer's pictureTiru Arthanari

Life is Precious

24 January 2021


In our hurried way of living, what we forget is the most precious that we all have,

LIFE- our lives and that of others. Our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect. But mostly we are in a different world created by the mischief-maker, we call MIND. And when the mischief is unexpected or unpleasant, we suffer from mental illnesses of different kinds and proportions. We have gurus, shamans, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, and counsellors apart from friends and relatives to help us through the mischief caused by our minds. When things go as we wanted, we are elated and do not realize there is any mischief at all.

I can overhear you murmur, ‘positive thinking’. Pessimistic gloom caused by disappointments and euphoria caused by positive thinking are siblings brought forth by our minds. You ask me then what am I supposed to do?

I have started this blog for us to go into this, sharing our understanding and instantaneously resolving the knot, without getting lost in unnecessary arguments and unending analyses. Intellect over emotion does not mean a dull life. But a life respectfully lived

Life is precious, let the mind not squander it. (To be Continued)


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