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  • Writer's pictureTiru Arthanari

Child poverty is real

19 May 2021


Escape from anything does not end that thing. Child poverty is real. Not an idea or theory.

Theories are invented to transport us to an unreal world, where we can discuss until logic gets bored, and leaves us or language entertains us without ever letting us recover from the labyrinth of wordy wisdom.

Why do we theorise then? Because somehow, we have been taught by our fear transfer system (consisting of mother, father, teacher, and the unknown), it is good to solve the problem amicably by discussing about it.

Sure, we do discuss. Child poverty remains and is real.

I am waiting at the lowest of the rungs hoping I will survive climbing the crooked stairs that endlessly spirals upwards. I am not sure I will ever see those beautiful pastures or end up as dark clouds or vanish like a dream by the time I have tirelessly climbed that ladder of which I have been at the lowest rung.

Child poverty is real. Let us act.


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