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New Noah's Ark is ready, where are the boarders?

New Noah's Ark is ready, where are the boarders?

The destruction that engulfs the world around due to floods, forest fires, tsunamis, and human act is scientifically explainable. But it does remind one of the biblical or other descriptions from antiquity like that of Noah building an Ark to save life forms. It appears we are in for a new Noah’s ark. But life is threatened. Especially human existence, as we knew on this planet, is challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientists, leaders, and people are wondering how economic activities supposed to better human life and other lives on Earth could go wrong so badly? We need a new Noah as well to pass this calamity caused by our own action.


After eating a chocolate bar, the thrown-away wrapper inspired this digital painting. 2500 x 2487 pix

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