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Squaring the circle

Squaring the circle

is the challenge that mathematicians have engaged for a long time and understood it is not possible because of the nature of π (pi, as a number, is transcendental, nothing to do with spirituality). π appears in the formula for computing the area of a circle, A (A=πr2 with given radius, r). Constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and a ruler is ‘circling the square or squaring the circle’ problem. One wonders why is it important today? May be useful for Pizza makers if they price the pizza per meter square. A square pizza in a square box will be requiring lesser packing material, than a circular pizza of the same area in a square box. Mathematicians don’t care, whether you are ever going to sell square pizzas, or it is environmentally friendly, they are interested in puzzles for no other reason, but it is interesting. Interesting?


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